My name is Maria. I grew up in England, when I was 11 years old I used to make bracelets and sell them to local shops in Stratford Upon Avon where I lived. They would sell them to customers. I inherited my creative spark from my beautiful mother who always has encouraged me. She would take me to sell my bracelets and necklaces at markets too. This was the start of my dream to run a jewellery business! 

Eventually at age 22 I found myself in a small rural NSW town called Coonamble in Australia, where I met my amazing partner. In November 2012 when I was pregnant with our baby daughter I began Daysie Chains.

What started as a hobby has turned into a small business. I began by attending markets with my wares, I now sell solely on my Facebook page and this store.

My little business has grown from strength to strength thanks to the support of loyal customers!  

I am beginning to create more and more of the pieces I sell myself and would love to start attending markets again (if I can get a babysitter! haha)

Thanks for reading :)